Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Floss”
February 11, 2025
Rusmux 0.8 Released
Released rusmux 0.8, adding a per window root option and dependency updates.
August 28, 2024
Rusmux 0.6 Released
Released rusmux 0.6 with a bug fix, a couple of new command aliases and a new tmux window options feature.
July 23, 2024
python-bidi 0.5 released
After several years, released python-bidi 0.5, this time based on the Rust crate unicode-bidi.
August 15, 2023
Django Hebrew Translation status Aug 2023
After a long hiatus, I’m back translating Django to Hebrew.
As of Tuesday Aug 15th. the Hebrew translation of
, django-formtools
, django-contrib-comments
and django-people
is back at 100%. Left out for this cycle again: django-localflavor
and django-docs
April 4, 2023
Introducing Rusmux
was a tool I’ve used for a long time, rusmux
is a replacment I’ve written with Rust
January 3, 2023
HTML over the wire talk slides
HTML over the wire talk slides presenting the need for
and the likes, from PyWeb-IL 101.
November 22, 2022
Python, Fast Json & 128 Bit Numbers
Trying to serialize large numbers with fast Python JSON libraries.
May 27, 2022
Website converted to Hugo
This website was generated with a custom static generator, Recently I’ve converted it converted to Hugo.
May 10, 2021
TRust the process talk slides
Rust intro talk given at PyWeb-IL 91.
March 19, 2019
Django 2.2 Hebrew translation status
After some burnout hiatus, with Django 2.2 at RC1, I’m back translating Django_ to Hebrew.
As of Tuesday, March 19th. the Hebrew translation of
, django-formtools
, django-contrib-comments
and django-people
is back at 100%. Left out for this cycle again: django-localflavor
and django-docs
May 8, 2018
NoORM talk slides
The title is sort of clickbait, but the talk I gave at PyWeb-IL 75 is about cases where we need to leave the ORM realm.
October 3, 2017
Vue.js talk slides
Talk about Vue.js given at PyWeb-IL 69.
May 9, 2017 reloaded was a part of my big technical debt, Python 2.6 and Django pre-1.0.
April 1, 2017
Django 1.11 Hebrew translation status
After missing 1.10, I’ve translated late into 1.11’s string freeze process. As of Saturday, April 1st the Hebrew translation of
, django-formtools
, django-contrib-comments
and django-people
is back at 100%. Left out for this cycle again: django-localflavor
and django-docs
April 8, 2016
AsyncIO talk slides
Talk about AsyncIO given at PyWeb-IL 52.
December 1, 2015
Django 1.9 Hebrew translation status
I’ve translated late into 1.9’s string freeze process. As of Saturday, November 25th the Hebrew translation of
, django-formtools
, django-contrib-comments
and django-people
is back at 100%. Left out for this cycle again: django-localflavor
and django-docs
May 5, 2015
Django 1.8 talk slides
Talk about new features, deprecations and removals in Django 1.8, at PyWeb-IL 44.
March 24, 2015
Django 1.8 Hebrew translation status
It’s that time of the year again: Django 1.8’s is in string freeze, time to brush up the Hebrew translation. Left out for this cycle:
and django-docs
December 1, 2014
My life with tmux and vim slides
Talk regarding tmux, vim, my workflow and favorite plugins, at PyWeb-IL 40.
August 8, 2014
EditorConfig for consistent coding styles
Keeping consistent coding style between multiple developers working on the same project is not a simple task, specially with todays proliferation of editors and IDEs.
June 22, 2014
Relative line numbers in Vim
Using relative line numbers in Vim can help you navigate and edit code faster.
December 3, 2013
Scratch that
My 8 year daughter is participating in after school activities for outstanding students here in Netanya_. When we couldn’t open the files she created at home I’ve started rallying the troops.
November 8, 2013
Django 1.6 Hebrew translation status
When got notified about Django 1.6’s string freeze, I was shocked to find out that the overall Hebrew status was at 7%! Further investigation revealed the situation was not grave.
October 24, 2013
django-bidi-utils 1.0 released
django-bidi-utils is a small app I’ve written long time ago. It provides a Context Processor and a filter, helping with development of BiDi Django templates.
As I’ve wanted a chance to play with Cookiecutter, it was a good chance to update things and release 1.0 along the way.
September 15, 2013
Disqus got RTL
A couple of months ago I’ve wrote about missing RTL support for the new Disqus. That support has been implemented since then, with one little nagging translation issue remaining.
September 4, 2013
30 Years of code
I got my 1st computer at the age of 13, been programming since then. My last birthday marked 30 years of code.
July 23, 2013
Disqus and RTL: No dice
Old Disqus added the content to the page, thus allowing customization of the comments system, which is what I’ve done for proper Right-to-left layout. With the new Disqus that’s not an option any more.
July 20, 2013
Fine line between overconfidence and stupidity was served by Ubuntu 6.06 for a very long time. Had hard time getting to the hosting location, but upgrade was long over due.
May 11, 2013
Open Knesset: Thanks for all the fish
My contract with the Open Knesset has ended at April 2013.
Let’s summarize.
May 5, 2013
Marketing won't hurt your project
Many Open Source projects start their life as an itch to scratch, but once they grow, a little marketing effort can get them to the next stage, specially in a crowded niche.
March 21, 2013
RIP Malcolm
Malcolm Tredinnick, contributor to Django and many other source projects, has passed away.
December 7, 2012
חלומות קטנים יכולים להתגשם - כנסת פתוחה
החל מהשבוע הנוכחי, ולמשך החודשים הקרובים, אעבוד בפרוייקט הקוד הפתוח של הכנסת הפתוחה.
November 24, 2012
My Installed gnome-shell extensions
Gnome-shell has become one of my favorite desktop environments. Here are some of my installed extensions, to make it even better.
November 11, 2012
Fedora - Get your upgrade act together
Fedora’s upgrades are usually a FAIL for me, they should give it a priority if they want testers.
November 1, 2012
MongoDB talk slides
Talk regarding MongoDB, the document oriented database, at the Perl Mongers Tel-Aviv meeting October 2012.
October 25, 2012
Django 1.5 Hebrew Translation status
Django 1.5 Hebrew translation completed (including Django People and localflavor).
October 14, 2012
Stop using negative left or text indents for css hiding
Using Negative left or text-indent for hiding in CSS is problematic when the direction is rtl, there’s an alternative.
October 9, 2012
Salt Stack talk slides
הרצאה אודות Salt Stack, כלי ניהול תצורה והרצת פעולות מרוחקות, שהעברתי במסגרת PyWeb-IL 36
October 2, 2012
Solarized Theme
Solarized has been for a long time one of my favorite color scheme in terminals and editors.
March 30, 2012
Sphinx talk slides
Talk regarding Sphinx document generator which I gave at PyWeb-IL 34 Perl Mongers Tel-Aviv meeting at 03/2012.