Talks and presentations I've done at various events. Recent ones built with reveal.js, the rest are formatted with reStructuredText and converted to html with rst2s5. Some css tweaks were added for the final touch.
HTML over the wire
Review of JS, the tooling and frameworks followed by an intro to alternative solutions serving HTML partials
Sphinx - Documentation in Action
Sphinx is Python based documentation generator. Covering reStructuredText and writing documentation, the Python domain and a bit of Perl.
Mobile html toolkits
Toolkits for html5 based mobile web applications. Including: jQuery mobile, Dojo-mobile and Sencha Touch.
Tornado - web application server
Python based server and framework for asynchronous web application, helping with the C10K problem.
Semantic, micro-formats, forms canvas, video, geolocation, storage, offline and Bi-directional text.
Python-based build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts.
Bi-directional text, i18n, L10n and Django
Bi-directional text, internationalization and translation in general and Django specfifc.