
Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks

Meir Kriheli / @mkriheli

Async IO?

Wikipedia: a form of input/output processing that permits other processing to continue before the transmission has finished.

Different solutions to the problem

Quick overview

Multiple processes

System resources.

Process communication is a problem.


Shared memory is an advantage

And a problem

GIL on CPython.

Green threads

Avoids synchronization problems. cooperative.

Managed in user-space.

No operating system optimization for native threads

Quite a hack on Python (gevent + monkey patching).

Asynchronous IO

Single thread, Single process, cooperative multitasking.

Reduces context switches and overhead

Need to make sure it's cooperative, CPU intensive code will block.

Can't use blocking standard or 3rd party libraries as is.

A trend started with the web?

Nope. GUIs been doing it for a long time.

  1. Main event loop
  2. Event comes in (e.g: Button clicked) mouse clicked
  3. Handler called
  4. Back to the loop (step 1)

Good GUI developers know:
Don't block the main event loop (Looking at you Swing).

Benefits for the Web

Handle many connections without an extra overhead.

Nginx, Lighttpd, NodeJS, Twisted, Tornado ...

What about Python?

Not new

asyncore & asynchat available since Python 1.5.2.

Uses select (or poll).

Virtually nobody used it.





Uses epoll, kexec

Feedback from Twisted, Tornado, gevent, etc.

Inter operate, not replace them.

Defines an interface which can be implemented on top of other event loops.


  • Generators. 2.5 added the send() method
  • 3.3: yield from, generators can return values
  • PEP 3153 got people talking about it
  • PEP 3156 tulip: reference implementation
  • Turned into asyncio in 3.4
  • Futures, add_done_callback() for chaining.
  • 3.5: async,await

Some terms

  • Coroutines: a generator function, can receive values, decorated with @coroutine or async def
  • Future: promise of a result or an error
  • Task: Future which runs a coroutine


See it for a in depth overview of the subject.

Some examples Python docs

Python Async IO Resources

  • 3rd party libraries
  • Documentation
  • Talks
  • Tutorials
  • Blog posts


  • Agent collecting data from an api.
  • Server listening for db changes, updates clients via web sockets.


HTTP client/server for asyncio

  • Supports both HTTP Client and HTTP Server.
  • Supports both Server WebSockets and Client WebSockets out-of-the-box.
  • Web-server has Middlewares, Signals and pluggable routing.


  • Open-source, scalable document based database built from the ground up for the realtime web.
  • Instead of polling for changes, the developer can tell RethinkDB to continuously push updated query results to applications in realtime.
  • Supports asyncio's event loop since version 2.1 of the python driver.

Let's see it

Thank you