July 20, 2013
Fine line between overconfidence and stupidity
Whatsup.org.il was served by Ubuntu 6.06 for a very long time. Had hard time getting to the hosting location, but upgrade was long over due.
May 11, 2013
Open Knesset: Thanks for all the fish
My contract with the Open Knesset has ended at April 2013.
Let’s summarize.
May 5, 2013
Marketing won't hurt your project
Many Open Source projects start their life as an itch to scratch, but once they grow, a little marketing effort can get them to the next stage, specially in a crowded niche.
March 21, 2013
RIP Malcolm
Malcolm Tredinnick, contributor to Django and many other source projects, has passed away.
December 7, 2012
חלומות קטנים יכולים להתגשם - כנסת פתוחה
החל מהשבוע הנוכחי, ולמשך החודשים הקרובים, אעבוד בפרוייקט הקוד הפתוח של הכנסת הפתוחה.
November 24, 2012
My Installed gnome-shell extensions
Gnome-shell has become one of my favorite desktop environments. Here are some of my installed extensions, to make it even better.
November 11, 2012
Fedora - Get your upgrade act together
Fedora’s upgrades are usually a FAIL for me, they should give it a priority if they want testers.
November 1, 2012
MongoDB talk slides
Talk regarding MongoDB, the document oriented database, at the Perl Mongers Tel-Aviv meeting October 2012.
October 25, 2012
Django 1.5 Hebrew Translation status
Django 1.5 Hebrew translation completed (including Django People and localflavor).