Open Knesset: Thanks for all the fish
I’ve started working for the Open Knesset project at December 2012. It’s been an interesting experience, somewhat different from other FLOSS projects I’ve participated in the past.
In contrast to most projects with volunteer programmers and, with some luck, a designer or two, the Open Knesset has volunteers for:
- Programming
- Design and UX
- Content
- Marketing
Watching the different workflow, tools and needs of those teams while trying to cater them has been an interesting experience, so it wasn’t just a development centric job.
Alas, my 5 month contract is done, and promises should be kept, so I’m back to the cold, harsh, capitalistic world.
We’ve achieved some nice goals, among them:
- Change the entire site’s design to one based on bootstrap, add New UX
- Search suggestions and auto completion
- Tidbits and Suggestions (data improvements) modules
- Revised and successful developer environment setup for new developers on Linux, MS Windows and Max OS X
- New developers documentation
- Foundation for handling multiple Knessets
- API Improvements
So thanks for all the fish Open Knesset :-)
Unlike the dolphins, I’ll still be around, wearing my volunteer hat.