Fedora - Get your upgrade act together
I mostly like Fedora, it’s close enough to a rolling release distro, while maintaining some stability.
It’s main Achilles heel IMO is the upgrade policy, lack of it - Looks like they’ve never given it enough consideration.
Preupgrade had broken things on previous upgrades. Now, wanting to try Fedora 18 Alpha, preupgrade is deprecated, to be replaced by another tool (fedup), which is not ready, and probably will be buggy for the first iterations.
The Released Alpha 18 images have no upgrade functionality, and the recommended way of upgrading is using yum. Problem ? Broken dependencies for several days (when I’ve attempted to upgrade), not for some 3rd party repository package, but gnome’s desktop basic one - Network Manager’s bluetooth component or one of it’s dependencies.
You want testers for your releases ? Give priority to upgrades. I’m an early adopter, but won’t do a clean install of my complex setup each time an upgrade is due.
No wonder I’m usually leaving Fedora for other distros during upgrade phase.