Documentation in Action
Sphinx and Pyramid @ same meeting :)
What are the odds ?
Writing documentation is hard
Writing good, usable & acceptable documentation is harder
Titles are underlined
(or over- and underlined)
with a printing
nonalphanumeric 7-bit ASCII
character. Recommended
choices are
"``= - ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >``".
Bullet lists:
- This is item 1
- This is item 2
- Bullets are "-", "*" or "+".
Continuing text must be aligned
after the bullet and whitespace.
External hyperlinks,
like Sphinx_ or `example website`_.
.. _Sphinx:
.. _example website:
.. note:: This is a note admonition.
This is the second line
.. warning:: Don't do that
.. tip::
Do that and good things will follow
Complete reStructuredText reference at docutils web site
$ pip install sphinx
$ mkdir docs
$ sphinx-quickstart docs
$ cd docs
$ make html
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Use for cross referencing.
For more info see :ref:`coolproj`
.. _coolproj:
Cool Project
.. index::
single: Execution Example
single: User Guide; Execution Example
Execution Example
General and module indexing
.. py:function:: format_exception(etype, value, tb[, limit=None])
Format the exception with a traceback.
:param etype: exception type
:param value: exception value
:param tb: traceback object
:param limit: maximum number of stack frames to show
:type limit: integer or None
:rtype: list of strings
For more info see :py:func:`format_exception`
More domains and extensions at the Sphinx Contrib. Partial list:
And many more (youtube, feed, google analytics etc.).
Can Import modules and create documentation from docstrings.
.. automodule:: awesome
.. autoclass:: AwesomeCls